6,214 Miles by Rita Guile

6,214 Miles by Rita Guile
April 22, 2021 - June 26, 2021


Paintings by

Rita Guile

from her 6,214 Miles series

in honor of Earth Day,

on display

April 22 - June 26, 2021


These images from Guile’s body of work appropriately and compellingly commemorate Earth Day and encourage the minimization of humanity’s ecological footprint.  After researching the subject through the National Geographic website, she learned that “earth’s atmosphere stretches from the surface of the planet up to as far as 10,000 kilometers (6,214 miles) above.  After that, the atmosphere blends into space.” She learned that this is sometimes referred to as the Earth’s blanket.  Thus, the title of this series symbolizes a blanket for Earth’s protection and healing.  As wildfires ignite, ocean levels rise, and with the collapse of entire ecosystems, one can see that climate change is now a climate crisis.  Guile's painterly portraits symbolize how humankind and nature can coincide.

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